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My Story

"My story unfolds as a journey of self-discovery and evolution. If you believe in a higher purpose and mission driven by your innate talents and gifts, then you will appreciate that this is what I came here to do. Growing up, I always had the desire to uplift others and help them feel good in their own skin. I used to enjoy doing spa treatments for my family members when I was just a kid. As I grew older, I longed for genuine connections, authenticity, and a deeper understanding not only of my true purpose but also of the greater purpose of this life. I found myself conflicted with the expectations of the life I thought I was "supposed" to live. I struggled with questions of identity, soul purpose, ways of being, and belief systems that just didn't feel right in my heart and soul. Yet, despite feeling a profound misalignment between the path I was on and the one my heart truly desired, I was stagnated by fears of judgment and uncertainty.

My journey was far from perfect. Like many, I experienced my share of traumas and mental health struggles, battling with feelings of brokenness and not-enoughness. Determined to find my way out of the darkness, I discovered the strength within me to redefine my past and embrace my journey as a source of empowerment. Every confusing, painful moment became a stepping stone towards self-realization and growth. The catalyst for my soul awakening came during what I used to jokingly refer to as my "quarter-life crisis." At 26, feeling unfulfilled in my job and life, I knew I was destined for something more meaningful. Drawing inspiration from my upbringing in a single-parent household, where I witnessed firsthand the sacrifices made for family, I felt compelled to promote self-care and healing. Guided by my intuition, I embarked on a path of holistic healing, where my innate gifts began to blossom. As a facialist, I discovered a unique energy flowing through my hands, earning me the reputation of a healer. It was through this journey that I encountered Reiki, a profound form of energy healing that resonated deeply with my soul.

Today, I am an Energy Healing Facialist, offering intuitive Reiki treatments and my signature Energy Healing Facials. But beyond skin-deep transformations, my mission is to create a safe space for clients to embrace their truth, embark on their journey of self-discovery, and experience profound healing and transformation. I've walked the path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening and know firsthand the challenges it entails. But I also know the profound light, clarity, and peace awaiting on the other side. You are not alone in your journey. While I cannot do the work for you, I can offer the tools, support, and guidance you need to navigate your path toward personal empowerment and fulfillment.


Your transformation begins now...

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